Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Results 29th Feb - 16th Avenue

Well Done Trevor,
Also posted personal bests for 16th Avenue track salon racing.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Subject - tips and tricks

I  have started to  change things around a bit. Under the main heading you will find  useful  tips and tricks. If you click on it, it will  take you there. I will add a  new  one each week.  Some  of  it I have found on  the  net, others is just from my own observations. I  don't know if they are right  or wrong, so  read  it and make  your own conclusions. If  you  have any to  share  please let me know.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

race night results 15/2/12

This Wed was the  first night for the  points series at the  Kinloch  track. Some  people feared better  than  the others with  the  new sedan  bodies,  but I  think it  would be fair to say  that everyone still has a lot  to learn.  The  track hasn't  be sprayed down  for months  now,  but with a good layer of rubber  on  it,  the grip  was there  if you  went  looking for  it.
Darren  showed that he has really steeped  up a  gear with  some consistent good laps (425.6) to  take the win from Trevor (418.7)  by just under 7 laps. It was a  close battle for 3rd  and 4th with Dan (413) just coming out in front of Peter (412.2). Barry  (395.2) wasn't that far behind to take out 5th.  Stu  (378.9) struggled  all  night for  grip and ended up 6th. Daniel  (360.3) didn't fear much  better for 7th and Tony (320.1) rounded up the rear  for 8th.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2012 races

Many thanks for Dan  for  organizing the calender for the 2012  race dates.(see for the dates/points etc). With  the first race done and dusted,  everyone is  in for a big learning  curve with the new sedan bodies  that we are using.
Over the next week or 2, I will do  some changes to  this blog to make it easier to use. Also I will add a new section of slot car hints & tricks and  maybe useful slot car  links. Feel free to email me if you want to  share any of your secrets or if you  come across  a cool vid on u tube etc.   
This weeks racing will  be at 16th ave track (non points), so  it will be back  to  the  GTP bodies,  with a practice with the sedan bodies after the nights racing.